DEVILOOF is a prominent visual kei deathcore ensemble that emerged in 2015, recognized for their ferocious musical approach and captivating visual presentation, often acclaimed as the most extreme representative within the Visual Kei genre. Formed on December 12, 2015, by vocalist Keisuke, bassist Daiki, and drummer Hiroto—previously members of All Must Die—their debut single “Ruin” released that same month quickly attracted global attention. The band’s sonic identity is a complex amalgamation of deathcore, metalcore, brutal death metal, and grindcore, characterized by rapid riffs, double-pedal drumming, blast beats, and guttural vocalizations. DEVILOOF draws profound influences from trailblazers of Japanese visual kei such as X Japan and Dir En Grey, while Keisuke also acknowledges inspirations from iconic acts like Megadeth and Elvis Presley.

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