Message to our visitors!
This how it is going! We have to manually save all the bands pages. We can’t find a back up service that can handle the size of this site.When that is clear. We are going to start from the beginning with a blank side. We are working as much we can to make this site ready and run before the weekend! We have lost all the data on over 700 bands that we had built up! We will be restoring it slowly but surely. We will continue with the news, but we’ll be starting from scratch. All old posts will be removed. We’ll also take this opportunity to redesign the website. We hope you have the patience to keep visiting us in the future. Please visit our YouTube channel and X (formerly Twitter). We will continue to post new singles, EPs, and album releases on X: @RokkuSokuho. For news about the Japanese rock scene, check out our YouTube channel. Subscribe to get the latest updates quickly. We apologize for this mishap, and we’ll do everything we can to make this site your go-to source for information in the future.
Don’t forget to listen to my radioshow Aug 27 (aug 28 in Japan) 21.00 CET
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