LOVEBITES, a renowned all-female heavy metal band, was established in 2016 by Haruna and Miho, both former members of the metal band Destrose. This Tokyo-based group has since achieved international acclaim, standing out for their intricate compositions and dynamic performances. Known for fusing elements of classic heavy metal with modern flair, LOVEBITES quickly captured the attention of metal enthusiasts worldwide. The current lineup includes Asami on vocals, Haruna on drums, guitarists Midori and Miyako, and bassist Fami, who joined in 2022 after a high-profile audition.

LOVEBITES has gained a reputation for intense live shows and has graced international stages, performing at major festivals like the Download Festival and Graspop Metal Meeting. Their music has even extended into anime, with their track “Winds of Transylvania” featured in Vlad Love, directed by renowned filmmaker Mamoru Oshii, who praised the band for their unconventional style​

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