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Stay updated with the latest hard-rock and metal from Japane

Current Time Zones

Checking World Clock in demo post.

Keep track of the current time in major cities to never miss a beat of your favorite rock shows:

    • Sweden CET:
    • Tokyo Time:
    • London Time:
      • New York Time:
      • Los Angeles Time:


Radio Show Schedule and Connection Guide

Our radio show airs at 21:00 Central European Time (CET) during the summer. Please note that the show might start a few minutes later depending on the preceding program. Starting in 2024, our show will be broadcast in English to cater to our growing international audience.

To connect to our live radio feed, you may need to press ‘pause’ and then ‘play’ on the player. If you’re having trouble connecting through your web browser, we recommend switching to Firefox, as Chrome and Opera might not work at the moment. Alternatively, you can download the Radio Garden app for a seamless listening experience. Search for “Radio Siljan FM 94.1”

If you are in Mora city or around Lake Siljan, tune in to 94.1 MHz to catch our broadcast. Don’t forget to download our airing schedule to your digital calendar. For the best experience, download only the dates you are interested in. Enjoy the show! Radio Rokku Sokuhō

Enhance Your Listening Experience

For the best listening experience, we highly recommend downloading the Radio Garden app. This app allows you to listen to radio stations from all over the world, including our very own Radio Rokku Sokuhō Show. Available on Google Play and the Apple App Store, the Radio Garden app ensures you never miss a beat. Download it now and enjoy uninterrupted rock, hardrock, metal, punk, and Alternative Idol music from Japan when we are airing!

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